using afIoc
using afIocConfig

** (Service) - 
** Contribute functions to make last minute tweaks to the RequireJs config. 
** After the tweaks are applied, the config is serialised as JSON and added to the page.
** Example, to define multiple modules in one '.js' file use the [RequireJS bundles]`` config property: 
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** @Contribute { serviceType=RequireJsConfigTweaks# }
** static Void contributeRequireJsConfigTweaks(Configuration conf) {
**     conf["app.bundles"] = |Str:Obj? config| {
**         bundles := (Str:Str[]) config.getOrAdd("bundles") { [Str:Str[]][:] }
**         bundles["myModules"] = "moduleId1 moduleId2 moduleId3".split
**     }
** }
** <pre
** Note that when doing so, your module define() functions need to specify their module name:
**   syntax: fantom
**   define("moduleId", ["jquery"], function($) { ... }
const mixin RequireJsConfigTweaks {
    internal abstract HtmlNode tweakConfig(TagStyle tagStyle)

internal const class RequireJsConfigTweaksImpl : RequireJsConfigTweaks {
    @Inject private const ScriptModules scriptModules
    @Inject private const Scope         scope
    @Config private const Uri           baseModuleUrl
    @Config private const Duration?     requireJsTimeout
            private const |Str:Obj?|[]  manipulators

    new make(|Str:Obj?|[] manipulators, |This| in) {
        this.manipulators = manipulators

    override HtmlNode tweakConfig(TagStyle tagStyle) {
        config := Str:Obj?[:] { ordered = true }
        // all these could be tweaks themselves - but why?
        // if you don't like them, just tweak it!
        config["baseUrl"]       = baseModuleUrl.toStr
        config["waitSeconds"]   = requireJsTimeout?.toSec ?: 0
        config["xhtml"]         = (tagStyle != TagStyle.html)
        config["skipDataMain"]  = true
        manipulators.each |func| {
        args    := util::JsonOutStream.writeJsonToStr(config)
        script  := "requirejs.config(${args});"
        // use ScriptTagBuilder to ensure an Content-Security-Policy headers get updated
        tag     := (ScriptTagBuilder)
        return tag.withScript(script).htmlNode