using concurrent

** Manages an Obj reference stored in 'Actor.locals' with a unique key.
const class LocalRef {  
    private const AtomicInt counter := AtomicInt(0)
    private const |->Obj?|? defFunc
    ** The qualified name this 'ThreadLocal' is stored under in 'Actor.locals'. 
    ** 'qname' is calculated from 'name'.
    const Str qname
    ** The variable name given to the ctor.
    const Str name

    ** The object held in 'Actor.locals'. If a value is not mapped when read, 'initFunc()' is 
    ** called to create a default object. 
    Obj? val {
        get {
            if (!isMapped)
                Actor.locals[qname] = defFunc?.call
            return Actor.locals[qname]
        set { Actor.locals[qname] = it }
    ** Creates a 'LocalRef' with given name.
    ** If not null, 'defFunc' is called to create a default object whenever 'val' is read and a 
    ** value is not mapped in 'Actor.locals'. This object is then stored and returned. 
    ** This allows the creation of non-const default objects in multiple threads.
    ** 'initFunc' must be immutable.  
    new makeWithFunc(Str name, |->Obj?|? defFunc := null) {
        this.qname      = createPrefix(name, 4)       = name
        this.defFunc    = defFunc

    ** Returns 'true' if 'Actor.locals' holds an entry for this 'qname'.
    Bool isMapped() {
    ** Removes this object from 'Actor.locals'.
    Void cleanUp() {
    // ---- Helper Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    private Str createPrefix(Str name, Int pad) {
        count   := counter.incrementAndGet
        padded  := Base64.toBase64(count, pad)
        inter   := name.contains("\${id}") ? name : "\${id}.${name}"
        prefix  := inter.replace("\${id}", padded)
        return prefix