** (BSON Type) - 
** Wraps binary data and its subType.
** Subtypes from zero to 127 are predefined or reserved. Subtypes from 128-255 are user-defined.
** Binary objects with a default subtype of 'BIN_GENERIC' will be read and returned as a [Buf]`sys::Buf`. 
@Serializable { simple=true }
const class Binary {

    ** BSON binary subtype.
    ** The default subtype.
    static const Int BIN_GENERIC    := 0x00
    ** BSON binary subtype.
    static const Int BIN_FUNCTION   := 0x01
    ** BSON binary subtype.
    ** Depreated, do not use.
    static const Int BIN_BINARY_OLD := 0x02
    ** BSON binary subtype.
    ** Depreated, do not use.
    static const Int BIN_UUID_OLD   := 0x03
    ** BSON binary subtype.
    static const Int BIN_UUID       := 0x04
    ** BSON binary subtype.
    static const Int BIN_MD5        := 0x05
    ** BSON binary subtype.
    static const Int BIN_USER       := 0x80

    ** The binary subtype
    const Int subtype
    ** The binary data 
    const Buf data

    ** Creates a BSON Binary instance. 
    ** **Note that by creating a 'Binary' instance, the data in the given 'Buf' will be cleared.**
    ** See [Buf docs]`sys::Buf` for more info. 
    new make(Buf data, Int subtype := BIN_GENERIC) {
        this.subtype = subtype    = data.toImmutable // note this clears the existing 'Buf' instance
    ** Returns a Mongo Shell compliant, JavaScript representation of the 'Binary'. Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   binary.toJs  // --> BinData(0, "emVyb0Nvb2w=")
    ** See [MongoDB Extended JSON]``.
    Str toJs() {
        "BinData(${subtype.toCode}, ${data.toBase64.toCode})"
    ** For Fantom serialisation
    override Str toStr() {
    ** For Fantom serialisation
    static new fromStr(Str str) {
        dIdx    := str.index("-")
        sub     := str[0..<dIdx].toInt
        base64  := str[dIdx+1..-1]
        return Binary(Buf.fromBase64(base64), sub)