using concurrent
using afButter
using afSizzle
using xml::XElem
using web::Cookie
using web::WebSession

** Use to send requests to your Bed App. 
class BedClient : ButterDish {
    ** The last request. 
    ** Returns 'null' if no requests have been made.  
    ButterRequest? lastRequest

    ** The response to the last request. 
    ** Returns 'null' if no requests have been made.  
    ButterResponse? lastResponse
    new make(Butter butter) : super(butter) { }

    static BedClient getThreadedClient() {
        client := (BedClient?) Actor.locals["afBounce.bedClient"]
        if (client == null)
            throw Err("Threaded BedClient does not exist until you make a request!")
        return client

    Void refresh() {
        if (lastRequest == null)
            throw Err("There is no 'lastRequest' to refresh!")
    // ---- Sizzle Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ** Returns 'SizzleDoc' of the XML response.
    SizzleDoc sizzleDoc() {

    ** Returns the root XML element of the response
    XElem rootElement() {

    ** Selects XML elements from the XML response
    XElem[] selectCss(Str cssSelector) {

    // ---- BedTerminator Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ** Shuts down the associated 'BedServer' and the running web app.
    Void shutdown() {

    ** The 'BedServer' this terminator makes calls against.
    BedServer bedServer {
        get { bedTerminator.bedServer }
        set { }

    ** The 'WebSession' this client has in the Bed App. 
    ** If a session has not yet been created then it returns 'null' - or creates a new session if 
    ** 'create' is 'true'.
    WebSession? webSession(Bool create := false) {
        session := bedTerminator._session
        if (session.exists)
            return session
        if (create == false)
            return null
        cookieName := Env.cur.config(WebSession#.pod, "sessionCookieName", "fanws")
        // cookie is null if we're not part of a web request - which would be the norm
        cookie := session.findSessionCookie ?: Cookie(cookieName, Int.random.toHex.upper)

        return session

    // ---- Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    override ButterResponse sendRequest(ButterRequest req) {
        // enable threaded sizzledoc 
        Actor.locals["afBounce.bedClient"] = this
        lastRequest = req
        lastResponse = super.sendRequest(req)
        return lastResponse

    private SizzleMiddleware sizzle() {

    private BedTerminator bedTerminator() {