const mixinafBedSheet::BedSheetConfigIds


IocConfig values as provided by BedSheet. To change their value, override them in your AppModule. Example:

@Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# } 
Void configureApplicationDefaults(Configuration conf) {
  conf[BedSheetConfigIds.gzipThreshold] = 500


const static Str canonicalRouteStrategy := "afBedSheet.canonicalRouteStrategy"

Routes handling is case-insensitive and ignores directory URLs. If a Route is matched, but the URL is different to the prescribed URL this strategy defines what should happen next.

Valid options are:

  • ignore - do nothing and process the Route
  • redirect - redirect to the prescribed canonical URL

Defaults to redirect



const static Str defaultErrResponse := "afBedSheet.defaultErrResponse"

The default response to process when no specific response has been defined for a given Err.

Defaults to a method call to an internal handler which sets the HTTP status code and renders the standard verbose BedSheet error page.



const static Str defaultHttpStatusResponse := "afBedSheet.defaultHttpStatusResponse"

The default response to process when no specific response has been defined for a given HTTP status code.

Defaults to a method call to an internal handler which sets the HTTP status code and renders the standard BedSheet status page.



const static Str disableWelcomePage := "afBedSheet.disableWelcomePage"

Set to true to ensure the welcome page is never displayed.

The welcome page is displayed in place of a 404 when no routes have been defined. So this config is useful if all your routing is done via Middleware.

Defaults to false



const static Str fileAssetCacheControl := "afBedSheet.fileAsset.cacheControl"

The default Cache-Control HTTP response header to set when serving static files. Example, to cache files for 1 day:


Ideally you should use an asset caching strategy, such as Cold Feet, which sets this for you.

Defaults to null



const static Str gzipDisabled := "afBedSheet.gzip.disabled"

If set to true then all gzipping is disabled, regardless of other configuration.

Defaults to false.



const static Str gzipThreshold := "afBedSheet.gzip.threshold"

The minimum output stream size, in bytes, before output is compressed using GZIP. Shorter streams are not compressed.

Defaults to 376 (bytes).



const static Str host := ""

The public facing domain; used by BedSheetServer to create absolute URLs. 3rd party libraries, such as SiteMap and Google Analytics, require this when running in production mode.

Defaults to http://localhost:<PORT>



const static Str podHandlerBaseUrl := "afBedSheet.podHandler.baseUrl"

The local URL under which pod resources are served. The URL must start and end with a slash.

Defaults to `/pod/` because Fantom files are hardcoded to be served under /pod/.



const static Str proxyPingInterval := "afBedSheet.appDestroyer.pingInterval"

How often the AppDestroyer pings the proxy to keep the app alive.

Defaults to 1sec.



const static Str responseBufferThreshold := "afBedSheet.responseBuffer.threshold"

The buffer size (in bytes) of the response OutStream buffer. The buffer is used to automatically set the Content-Length response header. Any content larger than the buffer is streamed direct to the client.

Defaults to 32 * 1024 (32Kb).



const static Str srcMapHandlerBaseUrl := "afBedSheet.srcMapHandler.baseUrl"

The local URL under which Fantom source code is served. The URL must start and end with a slash.

Defaults to `/dev/` because Fantom files are hardcoded to be served under /dev/.

Note that source maps are only enabled in dev environments. To enable in other environments you must manually contribute your own value of `/dev/`.

See compilerJs::SourceMap.write() and JS Source Maps on Fantom Forum.