** [IocConfig]`http://repo.status302.com/doc/afIocConfig/#overview` values as provided by BedSheet. ** To change their value, override them in your 'AppModule'. ** Example:** ** pre>** @Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# } ** static Void configureApplicationDefaults(MappedConfig conf) {** conf[BedSheetConfigIds.gzipThreshold] = 500** }** <preconstmixin BedSheetConfigIds {** How often the 'AppDestroyer' pings the proxy to keep the app alive.** ** Defaults to '1sec'.staticconst Str proxyPingInterval := "afBedSheet.appDestroyer.pingInterval"** If set to 'true' then *all* gzipping is disabled, regardless of other configuration. ** ** Defaults to 'false'.staticconst Str gzipDisabled := "afBedSheet.gzip.disabled"** The minimum output stream size, in bytes, before output is compressed using GZIP. Shorter ** streams are not compressed. ** ** Defaults to '376' (bytes).staticconst Str gzipThreshold := "afBedSheet.gzip.threshold"** The buffer size (in bytes) of the response OutStream buffer. The buffer is used to ** automatically set the 'Content-Length' response header. Any content larger than the buffer ** is streamed direct to the client.** ** Defaults to '32 * 1024' (32Kb).staticconst Str responseBufferThreshold := "afBedSheet.responseBuffer.threshold"** The default `HttpStatusProcessor` to use when no specific processor has been defined for a given http status ** code.** ** Defaults to 'conf.autobuild(DefaultHttpStatusProcessor#)' which sets the http status code in the response and ** renders the standard BedSheet status page.staticconst Str defaultHttpStatusProcessor := "afBedSheet.httpStatusProcessors.default"** The default `ErrProcessor` to use when no specific processor has been defined for a given Err.** ** Defaults to 'conf.autobuild(DefaultErrProcessor#)' which sets the http status code in the response to 500 and ** renders the standard BedSheet verbose error page.staticconst Str defaultErrProcessor := "afBedSheet.errProcessors.default"** The number of stack frames to print in logs and error pages.** ** Defaults to '50'staticconst Str noOfStackFrames := "afBedSheet.errPrinter.noOfStackFrames"** When printing 'SrcCodeErrs', this is the number of lines of code to print before and ** after the line in error.** ** Defaults to '5'staticconst Str srcCodeErrPadding := "afBedSheet.plastic.srcCodeErrPadding"** Set to 'true' to ensure the welcome page is never displayed. (Useful if all your routing is done via ** 'HttpPipelineFilters').** ** Defaults to 'false'staticconst Str disableWelcomePage := "afBedSheet.disableWelcomePage"// --- RequestLogFilter ----** Directory where request log files are to be written. ** Set to enable request logging. ** Must end in a trailing /slash/.** ** @see `RequestLogFilter`staticconst Str httpRequestLogDir := "afBedSheet.httpRequestLog.dir"** Log filename pattern.** The name may contain a pattern between '{}' using the pattern format of 'DateTime.toLocale'. ** For example to maintain a log file per month, use a filename such as 'mylog-{YYYY-MM}.log'.** ** Defaults to 'afBedSheet-{YYYY-MM}.log'** ** @see `RequestLogFilter`staticconst Str httpRequestLogFilenamePattern := "afBedSheet.httpRequestLog.filenamePattern"** Format of the web log records as a string of names.** ** Defaults to 'date time c-ip cs(X-Real-IP) cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status time-taken cs(User-Agent) cs(Referer) cs(Cookie)'** ** @see `RequestLogFilter`staticconst Str httpRequestLogFields := "afBedSheet.httpRequestLog.fields"}