Google AnalyticsUser Guide


Google Analytics is a support library that aids the development of other Alien-Factory libraries and frameworks. Though you are welcome to use it, you may find features are missing and the documentation incomplete.

A simple efan component for rendering Google's Universal Analytics script.


Install Google Analytics with the Fantom Respository Manager ( fanr ):

$ fanr install -r afGoogleAnalytics

Or to install manually, download the pod from Status302 and copy it to %FAN_HOME%/lib/fan/.

To use in a Fantom project, add a dependency to

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afGoogleAnalytics 0+"]

Quick Start

Set the Google Analytic account in your AppModule:

class AppModule {
  @Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# }
  static Void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfig config) {

    config[GoogleAnalyticsConfigIds.accountNumber]    = "XX-99999999-9"
    config[GoogleAnalyticsConfigIds.accountDomain]    = ""

Then render it in your efan component, you should place it just before the closing <body> tag:


    <% afGua.renderGoogleAnalytics() %>

Release Notes


  • New: Preview Release